Here is Our Vision About the Universe


We took the red pill and we can see the Matrix by what it is; now we want you to know what we had learned

“The Universe is not about heading somewhere is about moving on.

There is no place to go, no place where we came from, it is a constant of time and space.

It is not about leaving the matrix, is about becoming the matrix.”

We came here to earth to experience everything that we already created .

To go to the 5th dimension you need to shine from the 3rd, you need to learn how to be happy here and now, with all the flaws and the dualities. You cannot only evolve from a place of love and happiness.

The 5th dimension is awareness, is wisdom, you know who you are and what you are capable of, that you are everything.

Please not that we are not affiliated with the videos posted on this BLOG. They are only videos that we think are relevant to our spiritual growth

When you start to wake up and make questions about what is this life all about you then connect the dots, and begin to see everything around you with a different perspective. There is no wrong or right, but points of view

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Follow your heart, it has a treasure map of the universe

We created a list of downloads’ material for you to free for you to use with mantras, audiobooks, e-books, and PDF.

We speak from our hearts

On this “pages” we will be sharing with you what we think is important about the spiritual and the out of this planet realms.

We know that the reality that we live in is collapsing so we want to be ready for the new and improved future.

There is already a lot of information out there about this topic, this blog is not here to bring you massive detailed information. Our intention is to give you a little bit of our point of view, just a highlight so you can do the research on your on of what you think is relevant.

Our sources are credit people from the States, Argentina, but mostly from Brazil. Keep in mind that our topics are out of the box topics, spiritually and alien related topics.

We are Brazilians, so we do not have a perfect english grammar, and we are not a writers, specially in English, and for that we are sorry. We hope that the info will be super good so you won’t care for the mistakes.

I am an artist, and Jaynne is a Yoga instructor, we are in love for humanity and we want to do our part to help to build a beautiful and loving future for all of us.

Welcome to our blog, and thank you so very much for giving us the pleasure to be part of your life.

Where do you come from? Where do you go when you die? What is the purpose of life? Who is God, Jesus, the archangels?

Question Everything, and dig deep to find the answer that resonates with your heart

Matias de Stefano remembers all his past lives, since Atlantis, and he has a broad vision about the Universe, God, the Archangels, the Dimensions, life on earth, and much more.

Do you know Allan Kardec?

Allan Kardec (1804-1869)was a french professor who was invited to study the flying tables in Paris, and to prove that they were fake

He then wrote books about spirituality, mediums, and the connection between earth and the spiritual realm

You can find a movie about his life at Netflix titled Kardec

Here is the two most important book where you will learn everything about life, soul, the spirits, God, and mediums.

The Ascended Masters

They are the real example on how humans can excel and reach higher levels

Observe your mind and Watch what your mind produce, don’t identify with it, just observe, and overtime you create a separation between the mind and the self.

Just for five minutes per day, watch your mind without identifying with any thought and you will start seeing a gap between you and the mind, and that the mind becomes the object of your attention and leaves you as the subject that is witnessing.

Then you learn the difference between yourself and the mind.


we have a radio program where we answer your questions

Do you want to ask us a question? We would love to share with you what we think about it.

The Nature of the Dimensions

Text from the Lecture on August 6th, 2022

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture and meditation, I want to look at the nature of the dimensions, and in particular, I will talk about the interactions of the dimensions, including the interaction with the Fourth Dimension and the interaction with the Fifth Dimension. 

Jesus said that the "Christ" will return, the Christ inside each one of us, the realization that we too are gods, we have love inside of us because we were made of love. When we wake up for this reality we will be free.

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Visit our Health Tip page to learn more about how you can improve your life style

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Help with Love

Pick from the list of credited and in need foundations

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Tune in to The Voice of the New Earth Radio Station

Do You Want to Know More about Holistic Therapy? The University of Minnesota has a great Website where you can learn more.