Health Tips
a Healthy mind generates healthy emotions witch creates a healthy body
A Healthier body is a balanced one
We are made of spirit, mind, emotions and body, we are pure energy connected with EVERYTHING in the entire multi-universes. Keep that in mind when talking about Health.
If you were to start today to take care of your health where would you start?
A healthy body it is not hard to have, but because we had been mistreating our bodies and minds for so long it might take a bit longer to get back on track.
The North American Association of Therapists is here to help with easy, to understand and to follow, tips.
On this page you will find quick and easy to find tips to improve your everyday life style. The tips here are based on over-all and ancient knowledge, and are very simple to follow.
The Benefits of Having a Pet
- Caring for other life relief preoccupations
- They are a companionship
- Increase Social Interaction
- Force you to walk/exercise
- Provide meaning and purpose
- You are less likely to suffer for depression
- Lowering the blood pressure
- Lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels
- Reduce anxiety
- They provide sensory stress relief
Andre Cespede - Tai Chi Master
"It is easy to smile when the wind is on our favor; but it is only when we overcome our struggles with a smile on our face that we became virtuous."
Was never so easy to learn, information is at our finger tips. We can see the world from our phones. But we had never seen so many people lost, stressed, and without a purpose like we see today.
It is time for a change, for people to star teaching and learning by examples.
Look at the kids, you can tell them how to behave but they will really follow your actions. So change your actions, let go of behaviors that does not fit the future that you pursue.
Be the example that you want to see in the world.
The world will change one person what a time.
"Long is the road that teaches through theories. Shorter and Efficient is the road that teaches through exemples."
(Andre Cespede – Tai Chi Master)
Fun, Real Facts About Your Body
Do you know that?
All the cells from your body are exchanged for new ones every seven years
That every 35 days your skin replace itself.
That your body heals itself, and it is the mind that does’t believe?
That the illness begging in your mind?
The smell & music bring back memories?
You can command your body to remember your dreams?
You can control your emotional through your breathing?
Happiness bust the immune system?
Every cell in your body are intelligent and communicate with each other?
Suggestions for a Healthier Brain
It is well documented – the brain is like a muscle — the more you exercise it and feed it properly, the sharper it gets!
So, start by improving your diet. Good nutrition can help your body as well as your brain with aliments like nuts, healthy fats, berry fruits, dark leaf legumes, and dark chocolate. Also, consume more herbs and spices in your diet like pepper, turmeric, saffron, rosemary, cinnamon, green tea, and ginger as they are full of antioxidants and neuroprotective benefits for the brain’s health.
Be aware of addictions, be honest and loving with yourself and seek help if addiction is taking over your life. Set boundaries with technology and nowadays with social media as well. Get enough sleep majority of adults to need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Invest in a good night’s sleep with the proper room temperature, avoiding bright lights while sleeping time, and a soothing sound as your alarm clock ( if needed).
Try something new on weekly basis, learn words in a different language, listen to new music that empowers your life, and let the screen time be for what makes you happy and gives you a desire to know more as lifelong learning is associated with improved cognitive health.
Last, but not least care for your emotions, observe the thoughts going over your head at every moment, and track what thoughts make your emotions go towards the negative side or the positive side. If possible, wake up before sunrise, set your goals for the day in a meditative state of mind, and keep gratitude in your heart throughout the day_ every day. Just see it as a mental exercise. Besides, we have power over our emotions and our life! Consider a holistic therapy for overall brain’s health.
Healthy Body Tips
Building a routine keeps your mind and body on track to a positive lifestyle. Wake up before the sun! Waking up late in the morning is one of the causes of abnormal functioning of the thyroid glands according to ayurvedic medicine.
Brush, floss, and tongue scraping are very important to keep good oral health, which could cause inflammation and heart damage if neglected.
Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning if possible warm water as it aids digestion enhances skin health, and boosts energy.
Eat breakfast as it is a message to your metabolic system that is time to go to work.
Do things you enjoy whether that’s reading a good book, listening to positive music or podcast, crafting, painting, etc. Save time each day to spend doing activities you personally love doing it.
Get a little more physical activity in your daily life. It also strengthens and tones your legs and core while you’re at it! Practice a gentle body workout until you sweat, in reality, there’s no need to force your body during exercise time, your joints will thank you later in life.
Choose more organic, veggies, legumes, and seeds over meat matching the colors of the rainbow! Take enzymes and probiotics for a great breakdown of aliments and digestion. Avoid sugar and carbs as they decline the hormone process.
Keep up with your vitamins. Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients for overall health, so if possible get sunlight every day.
Reduce the toxic burden on your body and house by switching to non-toxic personal care and beauty products including non-toxic household cleaning products.
Self Massage– A very powerful technique that can bring a healthy connection with the self, improve skin complexion, nourishes muscle, and improve eyesight among other benefits. Using a base oil like Almond or Sesame will do wonders.
Lastly, take a break and listen to your body! When the day is going on the fast lane, take 5 minutes to close your eyes and inhale peace exhale peace. Also, consider a holistic therapy for overall body strengthening and health.