unleash your full power with meditation

Yoga & Meditation


To Change Your Life the Only Thing that You Need is to Decide to do so

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Sit in a comfortable position,  close your eyes, and give commands for your body parts to relax one by one until you feel in peace

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Your brain waves will slow down

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Teach your kids to meditate since a early age will help them have a much better quality of life


Meditation has an incredible effect on our body, with daily practice of meditation we can change our whole perception of reality. When the mind becomes free from disturbances and gets into a deeper state of peace, meditation happens. The most significant health benefits of meditation are stress reduction, better sleep, lower blood pressure, improved cardiovascular function, unshakable inner strength, improved immunity, and reduced brain chatter. During meditation, you aren’t forcing your mind to be quiet; you are noticing the silence and stillness that lies beyond any turbulence and worry. It is an essential practice for mental hygiene.



There are many types of meditation, but the most important of all is for you to do choose it feels good to you.


Start at least 5 minutes per day for a week and gradually increase the time until your body & mind are asking for more, and believe me, they will ask for you to meditate. Just like going to the gym, meditation takes afford at first but soon you will reap the benefits and would make a part of your routine for ever.

Meditation's Benefits

Come do yoga with us (private & group online lessons)

“Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present.”


BASIC Yoga Poses
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Learn How to Balance your Mind, Body & Spirit

The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “to unite”. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and many styles of yoga have been developed. It is a way of life that brings human excellence.  The practice of yoga helps create the union between body and mind along with our spirit, as well as between the individual Self Consciousness and Universal Consciousness. The union between Self Consciousness and Universal Consciousness creates a deeper sense of awareness following spiritual awakening. 

 The practice of yoga is the process to understand the body, using the mind to focus and observe thoughts and emotions, it builds physical strength and enhances cognitive function, emotional fitness, and spiritual connection being a very powerful experience. Who is it for? It can be used by people of any belief and from all walks of life!

trust your heart, trust the creator and rise up

"As the lotus rises on its stalk unsoiled by the mud and water, so the wise one speaks of peace and is unstained by the opinions of the world.” (Buddha)

The Lotus Flower

We can say that the Lotus Flower was the first to bloom in the world, usually on swampy and interrupted waters, born with a sovereign and divine perfection that is easy to imagine as the first apparition of life on the primordial waters.

For the Egyptians, the lotus flower arose even before the sun and the divine, and the two would have sprouted from the heart of the flower.

It symbolizes origin, fertility, the guarantee of birth, and rebirth, and is associated with female power.

In other cultures, the Lotus Flower has a totalizing representation that takes up the notion of purity, sobriety, prosperity, harmony, and time (past, present, and future).

The traditional Lotus has eight petals, just as space has eight directions, being the symbol of cosmic harmony.

That’s why it’s used a lot in mandalas and mantras.

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Our Chakras are the wheel of life that can move our physical body in the direction of enlightenment because is the connection between the physical and the spiritual.

The chakras are represented by the Lotus Flower, and each chakras has a different number of petals which are the expression of their vibratory frequency. For example the Crown Chakra has 1000 petals because it spins very fast since is the connection with the Universe (is the expansion of our ever growing soul) and the Root Chakra has only 4 petals because symbolize four aspects of consciousness (mind, intellect, consciousness and ego) and it spins in a very low vibration.

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Mantras & Chants

Mantra means “vehicle of the mind”

Mantra is a word or a phrase that you repeat several time. During meditation it is a great tool to help you release your thoughts. Many people use mantras while meditating to boost awareness and to improve concentration. 

It was scientifically shown that mantras and chants in meditation can help silence the mind and calm the nervous system, reduce distractions, increase attention span, and improve your mood and mental state. Chanting the Mantra OM for 10 minutes can decrease anxiety and depression symptoms in the human body.

When you chant mantras the mind releases the positive energy that decreases the negative thoughts or stress.

It is an ancient practice that calms mind & soul.

Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Did you stop to think why religious people can reach a place of inner peace when worshiping? It is because their faith, their hope that a higher, bigger, greater love will take care of their sorrows. They surrender, and when you surrender you tell your mind to be quiet and still, to trust that something grater will take care of it.

You can reach the same state at meditation, or sitting and listening to nature, or listening to a water fall, birds, the ocean…

Anyone can reach that place of peace and tranquility because it exists inside of each one of us

You just need to let go of the control, the illusion that you can solve it, and surrender to your inner being, to the Universe, to the power inside your heart.

Just surrender.