The White Brotherhood of Light


They made a commitment to stay on earth until the last human ascend

They are called the Great White Brotherhood of Light because they represent the pure energy that comes from God.

They were all humans beings that lived just like us, but they chose to follow the principles of love and compassion. They applied to themselves the universe’s principles, and life after life they were becoming better souls; until they reached the heart of God again, and became one with Him.

Now they help Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, and the Archangel Micheal look after us here on Gaia.

Each one of them belongs to one Color Energy Source, that has a special power, and if you want to connect with them with all your heart, you just have to ask for it. They will find their way into your heart if you are willing to make the changes too.

They have so much love for humanity that they made a commitment to don’t  leave our side until the less soul turned to the light.

Ascension is a step in a higher level of awareness. You can shine your light as the stars do because you are a better version of ourself.

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Divine Will, Will of Power (Blue)

Wisdom (YELLOOW)

Love (PINK)

Pure Harmony (WHITE)

Science & Concrete Knowledge (GREEN)

Devotion and Idealism (RUBY GOLD)

Order and Ceremonial Magic (PURPLE)

The Seven Rays

Ray are an expression of energy, and the number seven is the number who governs evolution and it is manifested at the universe many ways (seves notes, seven chakras, seven angels, seven days of the week…)

All of creation is one life and this one life is manifested into many, and there are many division of that many that manifested into infinite variety diversity. There is seven fundamental qualities that arise form it:

Will of Power


Unconditional Love

Harmony Through Conflict

Science & Concrete Knowledge

Devotion, Idealism, True Peace

Order, Ceremonial Magic, Freedom

Imagine God been a white light that manifests into seven fundamental colors, qualities, states of consciousness called the rays.

Those seven qualities are equal in importance to the one life, and as they manifests they mix into another creating the great diversity that we have today.

The Seven qualities of Consciousness are the foundation of everything in manifestation, expression of quality of life, of expression.

I am god

“When Jesus said that He was trying to embody every one of the names of God.” When we say I AM, we are affirming that we are god (in essence) and there is why we should only use that for the greater good of us.


If any of the Ascendent Masters were present in human form on earth today, I wonder what they would be doing; but I doubt they would be posting selfies on Social Media.

SACRED GEOMETRY: Everything is numbers & geometry

The Flower of Life is the Symbol of Creation. It holds most meanighful and sacred patterns of our universe as a whole.

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Darjeeling, India is the location for training on the first ray under El Morya

First Ray Lord El Morya

Master El Morya is the Chohan (Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” ) of the First Ray. The blue ray of God’s will, faith, protection and power of vigorous Intensity and blue flame.

Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan of the Darjeeling, India Council of the Great White Brotherhood. El Morya has come to Earth to embody the quality of obedience to holy will.

From this lineage the Twelve Tribes of Israel emerged. El Morya was Abraham and King Arthur among other great beings that helped shape the history of human kind with the godly attributes of courage, forthrightness, self-reliance, initiative, power  and faith.

Second Ray Lord Lanto

Master Lanto is the Chohan (Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” ) of the Second Ray. The yellow and gold ray of wisdom, understanding, and judgment Lord Lanto is a master of the power of precipitation—the alchemical process of drawing forth cosmic light and substance from the universal substance and converging it into physical form, by the Science of the Spoken Word.

Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan of the  Royal Teton Retreat over the Grand Teton mountains, Wyoming, USA Council of the Great White Brotherhood. Lord Lanto has come to Earth to embody the quality to teach us the path of attainment through enlightenment, definition, and dominion in the crown chakra.

Lord Lanto has embodied in ancient China as the Yellow Emperor in 2700 BC, Duke of Zhou ruler of China in 1050 BC, and Lord Lanto later embodied as a ruler of China at present times as Confusious remaining the Guru of the Gurus path of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas under Sanat Kumara.

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Grand Teton mountain Retreat for training under Lord Lanto and Confucius on the second ray

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Goddess of Liberty’s Temple of Sun over Manhattan is the location where  Paul the Venetian teaches on the third ray

Third Ray Lady Rowena

Master Lady Rowena is the Chohan of the Third Ray. Colors Peach and Pink the Ascended Master Lady Rowena teach that love sets free every human being, because it gives them the power to forgive, thus liberating them of hatred and resentment. Lady Rowena’s virtue is Charity.

Today she serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan of  The Temple of Liberty Southern France Council of the Great White Brotherhood with Divine Complement of the mighty Victory.

Lady Rowena is familiar as a lady in King Arthur’s court. Her name is also listed as an ascended master in Samuel George Partridge’s book, “Golden Moments With the Ascended Masters,” on the third ray of love, cohesion, and gratitude. She is associated with the medieval mystic and reformer, St. Theresa of Avila, who founded Carmelite convents in Spain.

Fourth Ray Lord Seraphis Bey

Master Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray. The White and Crystal Fire Ray is the ascension flame, in the base-of-the-spine chakra.

Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan at the  Ascension Temple Luxor, Egypt Council of the Great White Brotherhood. Serapis Bey embodies the quality of Purity, Discipline, Joy, and Ascension.

Serapis Bey in the past lived as Amenhotep III’s with his extensive building projects including the construction of the temples at Luxor on the Nile and a large number of other projects in Nubia. He also initiated comprehensive building projects at the Temple of Karnak. Later, Serapis Bey lived as the Legendary Roman King Numa Pompilius 753–672 BC credited for the Roman Calendar. 


The Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor, Egypt Serapis Bey instructs students on the fourth ray.


Pallas Athena in Crete Master Hilarion teaches at the retreat on the Fifth ray

The Fifth Ray Lord Hilarion

 Master Hilarion is the Chohan of the Fifth Ray. The Green Ray is the color of healing and truth.

Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan of The Temple of Truth over the island of Crete, Council of the Great White Brotherhood. Master Hilarion teaches us a meditation on the name I AM THAT I AM that we might also contact the inner name and the blueprint of the soul.

The Master Hilarion is believed to have been incarnated as the Apostle Paul of Tarsus(previously called Saul of Tarsus  64/65 AD, commonly known as a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world and the Neo-Platonic philosopher Iamblichus the biographer of the Greek mystic, philosopher, and mathematician Pythagoras.

Sixth Ray Lady Master Nada

Lady Master Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray. The color Purple flecked with metallic Gold and Ruby,  cultivation of peace, ministration, and service she teaches the unfolding of the rose of the heart, helping us to develop the sensitivity of the heart.

Today she serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan of the Arabian Desert, northeast of the Red Sea Council of the Great White Brotherhood. Lady Master Nada also serves with Jesus in the Temple of the Resurrection over the Holy Land.

She is a feminine being of great light and love who once served in the temples of Atlantis. She worked in the healing arts and served as a priestess in the Temple of Love.


Saudi Arabia Lady Master Nada instructs on the sixth ray at the retreat of Jesus

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Royal Teton Retreat in northwest Wyoming USA is the location for training on the seventh ray under Saint Germain 

Seventh Ray Master Saint Germain

Master Saint Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. Associated with the color violet, St. Germain, as one of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, is credited with near god-like powers and with longevity. Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological Age Hierarch, the Ascended Master Jesus who had been for almost 2,000 years the Hierarch of the Age of Pisces.

Saint Germain uses the Cave of Symbols retreat in Table Mountain near North America’s Rocky Mountains along with the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, the Cave of Light in the Himalayas, and the Royal Teton in the Grand Teton range.

Saint Germain previously lived as Saint Joseph, 1st century AD, Nazareth. Husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus. In addition to what is commonly known about Saint Joseph from New Testament accounts. Saint Alban, late 3rd or early 4th century, a town of Verulamium, renamed St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, England. Philosopher, statesman, essayist, and literary master, author of the Shakespearean plays (according to the Ascended Master Teachings), father of inductive science, and herald of the scientific revolution. 

meditate using colors, each color represent one healing energy

Use the Seven Rays in your regular day to heal your body, mind & Sprirt.

Color Medicine heals the physical, mental, and spiritual energy imbalance by providing color to the Aura (energy field around the body) which transfers energy to the physical body.

While in a relaxing stage, invoque the Seves Rays and visualize the colors around your body (like the picture above). Let your imagination take control of the process, and let your mind quiet just enjoying the “movie”.

Imaging the color alive, like a mist. They can mix together, have sparkles, be creative.

It does not need to be long, you can do it anytime. Doing constantly will you will combing two benefits, one is to quite your mind and the other is to heal your body and spirit.

The Great Invocation

Is an ancient prayer, directed by the Hierarchy for the benefit of humanity to renew & revive the planet, to bring down Divine Light, Divine Love, Divine Power on Earth.

We made a selection of some videos that we found on Youtube about all the Ascended Masters if you want to know more about all of them click the Blog button.