The First Nations were connected with earth, the universe, and god
The Indigenous People have so much to teach us, they are one with nature, knows how to heal their body & soul, and has no attachments
I am Sorry
for all the hurt that I caused
Please forgive me, I was blind
I am grateful for all the wisdom & teachings
I love you because I realized that you are part of me
Some Qualities
Connection with Mother Earth
Self Healing
Respect for Nature
Healthier Bodies
Knew that humans come from the skies
Believe in a Creator
Make their own clothes
Make beautiful Jewelry
Celebrate Life
Self Suficient
Happier People
Chief Luther Standing bear (Sicangu and Oglala Lakota Chief)
"The elders were wise. They knew that man’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard; they knew that lack of respect for growing, living things, soon led to lack of respect for humans, too."
Creation Story by Larry Cesspooch
A creation history tale told by the UTE Indigenous People
To know yourself it is important to know all the cultures around you, because your culture is made of pieces of all of them.