A few words about spirituality & its teachers


When you learn to trust the creator your will then experience real liberation

Spirituality is the Connection with the Creator

A Spiritual Person will answer yes to most of this questions

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By definition Spirituality is how humanity refers to the way the individual seeks the meaning of life and the way he expresses when facing each connection with others, with nature, with the animals, with the universe.

Every human being is in constant search for a life purpose. Spirituality had to do with this purpose, and the direction it takes. Is the connection between humans and the Creator, is the quest to our essence, to a higher meaning in life.

Spirituality points to the paths for this revelations. It is a way of living, it is a connection with something beyond our imagination, bigger, brighter, more fulfilling.

Spirituality will help us see our lives in a different perspective, with more ease, tranquility, and hopes. Spirituality is the balance missing in our material world, where we are constantly running after “money, sex, and rock & roll” and always feeling empty after words. 

We won’t find what we are looking for, outside in the world, or even in another galaxy because it only comes from within, from our hearts, from the connection that we have with the Creator. Just when we learn to let go of this imaginary control of life, and give in to the Universe’s force energy that we will feel fulfilled, feel loved, feel peace, feel whole.

And Spirituality holds the key for this discovery, it holds the key that will unlock our hearts, will unveil the path of a new and improved being free and happy.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost, The Spirit of Truth, The Energy of Life.

Angels speak by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There is a list of gifts from the Holy Ghost like: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, prophecy, healing, discernment, speaking in tongues, unconditional love, and connection with the Creator, just too list a fill.

Under its influence you will feel like an energy took over your whole body, there is so much love that your heart seems like it will explode, it is magical.

The Holy Spirit is not bound by any religion, it is the way God send some special gifts to us in times of need. You only has to trust, and you will receive. 

The divine teachers & their messages

Jesus, Buddha, Virgin Mary, Moses, Saint Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Gandhi, & more

These teachers hold humanity and the planet in their hands, next to their hearts, and lived by example. They showed us how to become one with the Creator

divine incarnations


Buddha was a prince, who had everything in life and lived in a beautiful castle far from the reality of his village.

One day the guards left the gates open and he could see how different the outside looked so he went out and was chocked. He was gone for more than seven year, feeling everything that he never felt before. He was cold, hungry, thirsty, sick, sad. He saw all the good and the bad, he saw death and life. He wonder and wonder looking for answers, for life meaning, but he found nothing.

When day he was sick and tired and just gave up of searching, then he sat down under a tree and surrender. At this moment a light stuck him and everything passed by his mental screen, every life he ever lived, every thing that he ever learned, all Universe’s secrets was revealed to him and he became enlightened.

After that he understood why humans were on earth, and how they should behave in order to have an easier grasp on the process.  For the rest of that life, he spread what he learned to the ones around him.

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Yeshua - Jesus - Sananda

The name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew-Aramaic word Yeshua, meaning “Yahweh (the Lord) is salvation, His real name is Sananda, and He is responsible for Earth and other planets. 

Jesus came to Earth to demonstrate the path to a higher state of consciousness, which, all of us have the ability to achieve. He wanted us to learn with His example how to be healthy, whole, happy, and how to love ourselves and others. These are the most important reason why He came here, to make sure we knew that we were not alone, and that our journey would be much easier if we only let our hearts guide us. Jesus was not created any differently from the rest of us, and before He returned home He left us a clear message “You can do all that I did and more”. 

If we only trusted His words, if we only looked at His steps, if we only felt His love, we could had lived a much better, easier, and fulfilled life.

From the bottom of my heart I believe that Jesus don’t want to impose His presence on us, but rather show us that seeking to know the Creator is the answer for all our problems. Religion was created to guide us, but humanity transformed into a battle of ego. He did not want this. He wanted us to realize that we are all connected, that we are only whole when we are together, this was why He had so many different types of people following Him, because He could see the best on each one of them, in each one of us.

If you are lost, and need a GPS, put your hand in your heart, close your eyes, and truly ask Jesus to fill up your heart with Love. I promise you He will answer.


If you want to read another version of Jesus life, click the KNOW MORE button

The Threefold Flame

The heart has the Flame of God, the essence of God. This flame blazes within us, and sustains our life with Love, Wisdom and Power.

Their colors are blue (The desire of the Soul to do the will of God) Yellow (wisdom) and pink (compassion and unconditional Love). The flames are meant to become balanced, expand, accelerate and swirl as we gain mastery of our own lives.

It is our most sacred power, and it was what Jesus used to do His miracles.

The caring soul who became the mother of a whole nation out of love

Everyone in this planet know who Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are. Believing or not, liking or not, there is not a single soul who never heard of them.

I am not here to talk about what “history” says about Mary, there is enough information out there for that.  Rather than talking, is to connect with Her, and to feel Her love.

She is an amazing being who voluntary asked to be Jesus’ mother to support His mission and who afterward chose to stay and to help humanity here on planet earth.

Virgin Mary is a caring soul who is here to guide, protect, help and love us. She is our heavenly mother, and we can connect with her anytime we want, we only need to close our eyes and ask her to touch our heart.

There is a lot of “personas” of the Virgin Mary, because is Her way to connect with each culture.

In Mexico She is known  by “Virgen of Guadalupe”.

In Brazil She is “Nossa Senhora Aparecida” or “Nossa Senhora do Perpetuo Socorro.”

In Canada She is “Our Lady of the Cape”

In Portugal She is “Nossa Senhora de Fátima” who appeared for three kids in 1917

I saw her once, when I was 15 years old. If you want to read my story, clickthe button. 

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Saint Francis of Assisi

Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone was son of a rich men, and his father course him to go to war. At war he realized that wasn’t right to kill another person so he waked away. Coming back home his father got very upset, they had a fight, and his dad told him that either he went back to war or leave the house. He then took Allis clothes and walked away with nothing. Giovanni didm’t want anything to do with that part of his life, and he became Saint Francis Assis. 

He was an animal lover that could communicate with them, he followed all that Jesus did and said, he even got Jesus’ wounds on his hands and feet at the end of his life. He wanted to spread Jesus’ teachings, and love, and so he did. Until now he is know by an unselfish, loving, caring men who praised God until the day that he died.

He is an example of compassion, of unconditional love, an example of how a human should be.

Want to make a difference?

You can only give what you have. To love is a choice, and to be loved is a gift

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Spirituality is the feeling of inner peace everywhere you are

Spirituality is to recognize that there is something greater than myself, that I have a soul, and this soul is eternal.

Spirituality is the relationship with God, is the connection between God and humanity.

Spirituality is to know that I am not alone, that I am part of the Universe, that I belong…

Spirituality is to understand that I am One with everything and everyone in the entire universe.

Spirituality is to understand  that I am a wave from the ocean. A wave is not the ocean, but it is part of the ocean, and it can never be set apart.

I am Love because I was made of Love. Spirituality brings me closer to this truth. 

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Spirituality is the balance between heaven & earth