Sacred Geometry

Numbers & geometry are the essence of all creation and you find everywhere you look

Sacred Geometry is the language of the light, is the way that the Creator communicates with us, the shapes and symbols transcend cultures, religions, and beliefs. You can find them all over the universe.

The origin of the geometry is dated from the Ancient Egypt, when the first measurement systems were created to determine the territory after constant flood of the Nilo.

In the philosophic field they attribute a sacred standard to the geometry, it is two fields, the Pythagorean and the Platonic.

Pythagoras and his students understood that the geometric and mathematic in general are the universe language.

The Platonic’s solids are found in a variety of form in nature.

In the symbolism and the religiosity  the shapes have a spiritual meaning.

The crystals and the semi precious stones have healing properties due to its colors and geometric shapes that influences the human body’s energy at a specific way.

Your face was mathematically calculated

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Phi the golden ration of beauty, the number of Harmony, the perfection, the aesthetic absolute, the Divine Beauty.

Our face is perfect in the Phi ratio proportion. The most beautiful faces are more proportional on the Phi ratio scale.

Phi is the mathematical symmetry algorithm of our perception of attractiveness.

The number Phi can be used to determine the perfect proportion of a face (eyes, nose, lips, chin, face shape)

Phi is the golden ratio of beauty.

Fibonacci or Golden Ratio

Fibonacci sequence has a fundamental characteristic of the Universe. It is  when which number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1 (1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 …)

Examples of Fibonacci numbers, you can find in the number of petals in a flower, seed heads, Pinecones, Fruits and Vegetables, Tree Branches, Shells, Horns of certain goats, Shape of certain spider’s webs, Spiral Galaxies, Milky Way, Hurricanes, Face, Fingers, Animal bodies, Animal Fight Patterns, DNA molecules.

The Platonic Solids

They are five shapes, with similar-sized faces, similar-length edges, similar interior angles. If a Platonic solid is paced inside a sphere, each of its points will touch a part of the sphere. Each shape represents one of the five elements, and its know to help us connect with nature, the cosmos and the Creator.

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Represents the balance between the spiritual and the physical world, drive, and passion. It is connected to the sun (unlimited healing power). It is used to invoke balance in a person’s aura due to its ability to remain stable on any side, what transfer this stability to the metaphysical realm too.

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It represents Earth for its solid foundation & exceptional stability. Associated with giving light to the body, it set the standards in which the body and the spirit relate.

Helps reconnect the body with the energy coming from mother Earth

— Consistency & Patience in Life





The shape is connected to the elect of air and the Heart Chakra. It is associated with unveiling a person’s healing energy, compassion, and spiritual nature, it gives people the ability to move to a higher vibration





Also connected with the Sacral Chakra associated with healing and regeneration. It represents movement, change, and flow.








It cleans the energy is places, facilitates communication, and amplifies humans’ intentions to enhance the use of Chakras 

It is associated with mysteries and ascension. Where Cellular, molecular, and atomic life is based.

Perfect to use while meditating to increase your vibration

We are working on a wonderful sacred geometry course where you can learn in deep about their meaning and how to use it in your routine to improve the quality of your daily life
every where you look you will find

Geometry & Numbers

The Cube of Metraton  is a powerful Sacred geometry. It represents everything, the energy inside the universe that connects everything. It is a conductor of a strong energy capable of destroying all the negative energy and to attract the positive light energy.

Metraton is a great Archangel and he holds the key to open the Akashic Records.

When Meditating, you can visualize the cube moving in each chakra and chant its mantra 30 times for each chakra (LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM, AAH) 

You can also ask Metraton to undo contracts, or to cleanse pass lives Karmas. When you combine the Cube and the Purple Ray you get an extra power to Transmute all the negative energy.

It takes the form of the ten numerical entities (endless), living being that embody all numbers (1-10), metaphysical potencies, and ciphers. It represents the unspeakable infinite God, the transition of all creations from bottom to top.

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It represents a tree’s cycle of growth (seed-fruit), it is the most mystical geometric shapes in the world. It is the physical representation of the connection that a human have with all living things in the whole universe, it is the template for everything that exists in the universe, it is the unity of all things, it contains all the other shapes. It is a remainder that everything was created from a single thing.

It is the light of God, a counter-rotating field of light generated from the spinning of specific geometric forms that simultaneously affects one’s spirit and body. The gifted substance of the universe is called the threefold flame or heart flame, composed of three intertwining flames: the blue flame of power, the yellow flame of wisdom, and the pink flame of love. These three flames also assimilate to the Trinity: Father (Brahma), Son (Vishnu), and Holy Spirit (Shiva).

Is the representation of the balance between spirit and matter. When a person’s existence is in perfect balance, they cycle energy is a torus-like way and are satisfied with each of their actions. When the energy is not in harmony, the balance is disrupted, and the situation becomes unhealthy and stuck. In our body it is found in our heart.

Vibration, Frequency, Energy.

The Music of the Planets

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Harmony of the Sphears

Given that the relative distances between the planets were concordant with musical intervals Pythagoras found that the resulting sound must be a harmony. Kepler discovered that planets move in elliptical paths with different speeds, so he calculated the changing speeds of each planet and converted those speeds into tones. He found that the music of the spheres was a continuous and ever-changing song.

One of the ways to use Sacred Geometry to heal you is through Meditation with the Light Codes

These are basic LIGHT CODES given by the loving Arcturians channeled by Janosh. They will activate in us our original DNA codes that are asleep for so long. Remember we are a copy of the Creator, so we are perfect by nature. These Geometries give back our powers.

To use them, choose a Light Code, look at it for at least  1 minute focusing in the middle of the geometry, then give three deep breaths, close your eyes and wait for at least another minute or so. Do not think of anything, and let go of the expectations. Repeat for seven days for a better result. Do it one Code at a time so you won’t overwhelm your system.

Remember we are like a computer, to reboot it takes time and patience 

Creation By Janosh

This frequency increases your capacity to create so you can be more inspired to manifest exactly what you desire.

Our creativity is connected directly to our potential of light, we all have this potential, and what difere from one soul to another is the quantity of light that we can access within.

What defines the quantity of light that we can receive is the quality of our channels, the impurity and influences that we allow in, our thoughts and feelings. The more pure they are, the more light you can let in.

“The more clean I am the greater are my manifestations.”

Conversion By Janosh

This frequency will help you create all that you want from inside out, what will give you a greater potential.

To create something based on the outside (in the world) is not authentic, not genuine, and it will always be a copy, even if it is a better version of the original.

This “copy” creation has little to do with our real self, and to our self improvement, and little is converted to wisdom.

The power of transmutation is to convert the dual external mind into inner absolute connection with the soul.

“I take possession of my freedom and I create from my heart.”

Contact By Janosh

This frequency allows you to feel that all your inner doors will open when you surrender to the flow of life.

While we allow the ego to control our lives, we will still be stuck to the adversities, the instability, the frustrations. This ups and downs takes us away from our real path, the connection with our inner being, our sacred us.

To surrender and to follow the flow of life is to let go of the ego, to become more flexible, and adaptable to the changes.

“I make a conceit contact with any place I want to go.”

Awareness of the Whole By Janosh

This Frequency it helps you transcend the limited and dual conscience so you can grow to the Unity, become one with the Creator.

The level of conscience that we are right now allow us to live a dual reality. The duality world is relative, depends on time, and space. It is a limited world in constant movement, and full of ups and downs.

The Unity world is absolute, timeless, unchangeable and has all the dimensions. It is peaceful, loving, stable.

Our greater goal is to transcend to the eternal truth, the absolute reality.

We can still live our lives today, in this material dual world, but we can have the Creator’s conscience.

“I let go of my judgments.” 

Unity Consciousness By Janosh

This Frequency helps you to get in touch with the new level of vibration that is around us today.

Humanity is changing from the Individualized Conscience to the Conscience of the Unity, becoming universal, more caring and loving.

Letting go of the concept that we are individuals and open up to the concept that we are all connected it the goal, and our greatest challenge.

May we be able to wake up to the reality that we are one, without borders, without favoritism, and may love be the only way of communication.

“We are all connected to each other.”

Christian Consciousness By Janosh

This Frequency helps you get in touch with the Divine power of the creativity hidden inside of you.

We all poses a higher creative potencial. We are educated by a limited society which imposes on us a lot of limitations that inhibit our creativity.

The diversity of colors, forms, shapes, elements, being, indicate how much capable is the Creator to use its creativity to make new things. And so we are too.

The supreme Intelligence using the Christian Consciousness show all the time its infinite capability to create, this is the wonderful Christian Power what it’s ours by birth right. We just need to access it.

“I believe in the Divine Power that I poses.”

The Guilt by Janosh

This Frequency allows us to see that to blame has no purpose neither to yourself or to the other person.

The guilt is a feeling that comes from the ego, so it is not real, and it is full of feeling of control, and possession.

We feel guilty because we loose control and we think we made a mistake. But we forget that everything is right by the Cosmic Order, nobody is wrong or right. We just accumulate experiences, and doing so we expend our conscience and  evolve.

Whoever holds guilt and regrets in their hearts is stuck to the past, anxious for the future, and does not live the present.

We should live the present without guilts and regrets. We should just learn the lesson that life teach us and move on.

“I am only responsible for my own actions.” 

Detachment By Janosh

This frequency show who you truly are, and free you from what damages you.

This way by changing your thoughts, your brain activate your DNA to be more develop.

By showing who you truly are you will be at your real consciousness level, being able to recognize the traps from the ego. To do so we must be able to let go of what are not healthy to our inner changes.

‘ I let go of everything that blocks my growth.”

Disconect By Janosh

This frequency helps you to break all the energetics connections around you so you are able to recognize what is good or bad, so you can once again see clear, harmonizing, and balancing your life.

Once in a while we must get away from the energetics grids around us so we can see clear; just like the eagle who flys even higher to get a better picture of what is around her.

When we disconnect from our everyday lives and to go deep within, allow us to deep cleanse our soul, getting ride of people, situations, and stuff that are not good for us.

By doing so we can rebalance and feel lighter again.

“I break all the energetic connections and regain a clear mind.” 

Development By Janosh

This frequency helps you repair your actions by receiving back the energy that you sent out to the world.

We only learn from life’s lessons when we get back what we sent our, being aware of them without judgments.

Our consciousness will expand only when we give up of our fake believes. By our conscious actions we separate the lies from the truth within our hearts, and we can redirect our actions, words, and ideas if we got an inappropriate response.

We need to be able to go back in our wrong doings so we can rewrite our story, in a better version this time.

“I have all that it takes to be successful.”

Desire By Janosh

This Frequency enhance our determination to overcome judgments.

We must be assertive and develop inner faith so we don’t leave room for doubts that weaken our determination.

Many times in life we will do something that people will cretinize us, and only a strong will power will make us stronger to face all of that. 

We overcome the merciless criticism from ourselves, we realize that is is only a reflex of our ego.

“I embrace my desires and dare to admire them.”

Unmask By Janosh

This Frequency helps you remember that you are wearing a face mask, and you can put it on and take it off as it pleases you.

In each life we create another personality, another mother, another father, husband, kids, profession, friends, life style, and so on…

What makes us get stuck is the fixation in one specific characteristics that is long gone. Some of those characteristics stays all the way to the end of our lives but some don’t. Ether way if we get attached to them we block the expansion of our conscience.

So we must let go and remember that the characteristics of our personalities are meant to be modified.

“I dare to be different than the normal stands.”

Detachment By Janosh

This Frequency helps you let go of the old, the old believes, and to open more room for the new flow of life, developing the inner power.

To grow as a person it is necessary to let go of old concepts, ideas, and believes that does not work any longer.

Life is always in movement and you must be on this flow to increase your potential through out the experiences  that you have had.

By the time that you are evolving and start to understand how the universe really works you can start replacing the old believes, the anger, regrets, perceptions by the new ideas. This will make your life become always dynamic and strong.

Change your thoughts.

Change your words.

Change your attitudes.

“I let go everything that overwhelms me.”

Duality By Janosh

This Frequency helps you find peace in your own duality. Helps you have a balance, open, and harmonic life while you are on your path to cosmic consciousness. It helps you find pleasure in life through joy.

When you know that the world is made of ups & downs, pleasure & pain, conquers & losses, you can finally accepts the dualities, and peace takes over your soul because you stop worrying about the results, and surrender.

Everything that comes to you is so you can develop light and love, there is nothing to be afraid of because everything is always working out for you.

“I let go of all my judgments and expectations.”

Direction By Janosh

This Frequency helps you recognize that you are your own guide on this trip that only you can choose the destiny, and the path that you will take.

The actions that you choose expands your conscience and make you more mature, stronger, free, happier, and more loving. 

In this world of dualities to choose the directions and to act towards are the best path that we can trust.

“I am confident of the direction that I chose.”

Devotion By Janosh

This Frequency helps you dedicate your time more in yourself instead of dedicating on others. Looking to yourself is not selfishness, you need to take care of you; your necessities, so you can help others.

The first person that you need to be devoted to is the Divinity inside of you, your inner being.

Take care of yourself, be happy, feel inner peace, be aware of what is around you, be true to yourself, and have love as your eternal goal.

“I am dedicated to myself.”

Crystal Grid

Crystal Grid are grids made of genuine gemstones over a sacred geometry. It will be custom made to specific issue that you might have in life (financial, health, work, relationship, love, spirituality, emocional)

It will increase your energy level, build a magnetic field to protect you, and it will help with your consciousness expansion.

It helps us get ride of mentalities or thoughts that are blocking us to move forward so we can be constantly evolving to the next level.

It helps with anxiety, stress, and increase happiness.

Treats fears, insecurities, and traumas. 

Cleans Energetically your home, business, pets, and cars.

It will drastically improve your life.