the most valuable tool to heal is gratitude

Healing Tools

a tool is just that, an object. it does not do miracles by itself

People wants magic, they want something that will cure them instantly without any effort on one's part

Every healing tool needs precaution while using it, you need to know what it is, what is good for, what the best time to use, and if can be combine with your regular medication.

Holistic therapy is a complement for your regular treatments, and it won’t replace your doctor. The same goes for the tools. Some of the tools, like the teas and essential oils are very efficient but it must be taking with precaution and on our own risk.

Your heart is the most powerful tool that you have and Love is the most efficient medicine

The first tool that you should use is your mind, your body energy, and it’s natural ability to heal itself. But for that you will need practice, stability in general, and confidence. You need to start one step at a time and preferable as a preventive tool.

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Essential Oils are ancient medicine, they are made out of natural herbs and used to treat with a homeopathic approach without colateral damage for the body.

It starts to take affect in 30 seconds after applied to the body.

Take our class on Bach Floral to learn more.

Some of the most popular healing tools


Essential Oils can be used to diffuse the ambient spreading this way the benefits  of the essence.

You can also use aromatic candles instead of the diffuser.

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Using the power of genuine crystals & sacred geometry to create a perfectly energetically align grid that can be hang in the house, office, or even in the car to change the energy around.

It can be used for finances, repel negativity, increase positive energy, for love, for protection, relief stress, traumas, fears, and much more.

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Each Card is one archetype with imllicid meanings. They will reveal what is inside your heart, things that you cannot feel on your own.

When you ask for an answer about something that it might or not happen it is reading a time line that is more liked to happen due to a present situation, but everything can be changed due to your free will.

Anyone can learn how to read a Tarot, you just need to be connected with your intuition. 

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Herbal Teas have been used for millenniums per indigenous civilizations to cure the most variety of illness.

The Orient civilization also use tea and hot water for ages, bringing many healthy benefits.

Teas are so powerful that you must be careful in which kind you take because it can affect your blood pressure or make you lose a baby for example.

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When you listen to two different frequency tones on each ear the brain will create a third tone in another frequency. This new frequency will then influence your mood in a good or bad way depending on the original frequency.

Proved scientifically to work with depression, anxiety, to focus, to elevate your vibration and much more.


Crystal are source os energy power, and it can hold information due to its perfectly form at a celular level.

You can use crystal to meditate, to cleanse ambients, to repel negativities, to help balance your chakras and much more.

We offer an amazing class on crystals where you will learn how to use them and some basic properties, and you sell them too, visit our online store.

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Are made with water base & flowers. It helps to balance emotional states, and very effected to psychological problems because transforms negative emotion in positive one very quick with no side effects. It can be use in kids and also pets.

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At night time you can request the Arcturians to take your spirit (the spirits leaves the body every night no matter what) to a medical pods where you will be treated and returned back to your body whenever you wake up.

a simple healing tool free for all

Going into nature is one of the most efficient free tool to heal your body, mind, and soul.


The sun is the most powerful tool that heals body & mind

Listening to Music

When you listen to a music that makes you feel food, with nice lyrics, your vabration goes up, and you can keep it up as long as your mind don’t get negative thoughts.

A quick tip if you are around negative environments, put some earbuds on and listen to a great music selection.

The Outside will only interfere on the inside if you allowe it to.